Onset voters move Fire Station’s future to further study

Jun 8, 2020

Several dozen Onset residents gathered in a tent behind the VFW on Monday night for an outdoor, socially-distanced annual Onset Fire District Meeting, and voted to hold off on deciding the future of the current fire station.

All but one of the articles on the warrant were fairly routine financial transactions.

Warrant Article 27, the only non-financial article, was the only article not to pass unamended. The article would have given the Prudential Committee the authority to sell, rent, or lease the fire station property at 5 E Central Ave. in the heart of Onset. 

The district is currently building a new fire station on Sand Pond Rd., near the old Salvation Army, which is set to be complete next April.

Although the district has held several events to invite residents to weigh in on the building’s future, it is still unclear. Some have advocated for maintaining the property as a substation, while at Tuesday’s meeting, Kenny Fontes suggested turning it into a parking lot, which would generate revenue for the district. 

A resident moved to direct the article for further study, as Lisa Morales pointed out that if the article was passed, the residents might give up their ability to direct the district’s decision.

Voters overwhelmingly supported moving the article to further study, which passed. 

The district plans to offer more opportunities for residents to share their ideas for the property’s future.

District Elections will be held at the Onset VFW on Tuesday, June 9, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

David Halberstadt is running for a three year term as Water Commissioner. Robert Brousseau is running for reelection as moderator. Incumbent Pamela Pike and Lisa Morales are running for a seat on the Prudential Committee.