Get Hired: Upper Cape Virtual Job Fair
A free virtual event that allows job seekers to submit resumes,
text chat live and participate inlive on-the-spot video
interviews with employers.
There is no cost to employers to participate.
MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center
has a license agreement with Premiere
Virtual to provide virtual job fair events to
our region’s job seekers and employers.
MassHire staff and Premiere Virtual staff
assist employers every step of the way to
set up their virtual booth so they can
maximize their presence at the virtual event.
MassHire handles the job seeker registration
and provides attendees with the link to the
event. Employers receive a complete contact
list of everyone who visited their booth whether
or not they chatted with them allowing for
future follow up.
MassHire will promote the event to its database
of job seekers, through its social media
channels and local advertising.
For more information contact Neila Neary at or
phone (508) 862-6134.
MssHire *Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce
* Mashpee Chamber of Commerce *Sandwich Chamber of
Commerce & *Falmouth Chamber of Commerce