Saturday at the Virtual MAC!

Apr 11, 2020

It's Saturday at #theVirtualMAC, and we're featuring work sent in by local photographer, Tim Seeberger.

“Bedroom Pop is a reflection of the times. The musical genre after which the piece is named got its name because people started holing themselves in their bedrooms and making this mellow, gentle, melancholy brand of pop. I feel my life is one big bedroom pop song at this point in life. It kind of just exists."

Tim is a digital/film photographer living in Mattapoisett who just moved here from Long Island, NY in February 2020. He learned photography in college with friends running around LA shooting 35mm film. Tim says "I like film as a format because of its tactile nature and avoidance of homogeneity in the way a shot develops." These days, Tim puts his skills to use as a reporter for Sippican Week. 

Check out more from our “Living Uncertainty” online exhibit by visiting the Virtual MAC on the Marion Art Center’s new website!