The tribulations of Trump

Dec 19, 2016

To the Editor:

Time has gone by since the night of infamy known as the election in which Mr. Trump was given the keys to the store. Through lies and deception perpetrated by a hypocrite, a one percenter who taunts his opponents, whose morality is beneath contempt, a man who of since Nov. 28 has to pay out millions of dollars to victims of his Trump University, who brags of paying no taxes because he’s smart, I’m ready to lead a chorus of “lock him up.”

Thanks to some of you out there, he will be leading the country. God help us.

I intend on keeping the conversation alive about this man, a liar, a Doctor Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. He is pompous and self centered. His new hotel in Washington he’s leasing, the one with the furnishings made in other countries, will there be a 35 percent tariff imposed? This is a facility owned by the General Services Administration. The thing is Mr. Wonderful will be working in the federal government. Is this a conflict? Yes it is.

Mr. Wonderful traveled to Carrier Corp. in Indiana to “save” jobs leaving for Mexico, of course being the man he is, he embellished the figures of the jobs he saved so Carrier is like the tail wagging the dog. Workers were mislead into thinking the mild side of the man saved the day. It seems he plays people like a fiddle. It seems a lot of you voters, you heard, but you didn’t listen. I intend on speaking out about this travesty for it’s all I can do.

The Founding Fathers of this nation are and will be turning over in their graves. The first amendment lives on. More to follow.

Thank you for your time,

Arthur Sandland