Board of Health discusses sale of CBD products

Apr 7, 2019

A planned April 4 Board of Health discussion about regulating the sale of CBD oil was dropped after Health Agent Robert Ethier received some surprising information from the state.

Cannabidiol — or CBD — oil is extracted from marijuana or hemp plants but doesn’t produce the psychoactive effects of marijuana. It is sold on the alternative remedy market for its apparent health benefits.

Initially, the board planned to discuss a policy to regulate the sale of CBD products in town. But, just hours before Thursday’s meeting, Health Agent Robert Ethier called an official at the hemp program at the state Department of Agriculture and was told that the sale of cannabidiol products was illegal in Massachusetts.

Ethier reported that he was told: “There’s no CBD sales in Massachusetts, period.”

With that information, the Board of Health dropped discussion of regulating CBD sales in Wareham.

The question of what to do about businesses in Wareham that are currently selling CBD products was not resolved at the meeting.