Ice cold lemonade, cold hard cash

Jun 29, 2024

What’s better than a glass of lemonade on a hot day?

Desmond, 10, brought out freshly-squeezed lemons for the residents of Swifts Beach Road on Saturday, June 29, looking to treat people to a hot summer’s signature beverage and make some money doing it.

His father, Chris, said Desmond was trying to make some money off the stand.

“He always wants something, so I told him, “You know, if you want something, you gotta work for it,’” said Chris.

This will be Desmond’s second year running a lemonade stand. Last year, “I made like 80 dollars, I think,” he said.

As for where this year’s money will go?

“I don’t really know yet,” said Desmond, who added he likes video games, watching TV and collecting Pokémon cards.