Special Town Meeting to be held July 24
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The Select Board has scheduled a Special Town Meeting to be held July 24 at 7 p.m. to vote on more than $30 million in sewer system repairs and improvements – as well as potentially other issues.
At its Thursday, June 22 meeting, the Sewer Commission finalized the warrant articles it wants to have addressed at the Special Town Meeting. The articles were submitted to the Select Board to be discussed at the Select Board’s Tuesday, June 27 meeting.
According to Sewer Commission member Sandy Slavin, four articles were submitted.
The first article asks for $36 million to repair the “headworks and clarifier” at the Sewer Plant. The headworks is where the wastewater enters the plant and the clarifier is used to remove the solids from the liquid.
Slavin said the Sewer Commission is not asking for an override of the tax-limiting Proposition 2 ½. “It’s complicated,” she said – but promised an explanation at the June 27 Select Board meeting.
She said the second article would rescind the previous article that approved $3 million for sewer repair on Swifts Beach Road. The repairs still need to be made, but the Sewer Commission is considering other options after residents balked at a requirement that many homes install expensive “grinder pumps.”
The third article asks for $300,000 for an engineering study.
The fourth and final article would transfer $1.1 million in funds from “retained earnings” to pay expenses that were previously approved.
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