'Thank you' goes a long way for education support professionals

Nov 14, 2017

To The Editor:

Nov. 15 will mark the annual observance of National Education Support Professionals Day – a time for saluting public school support staff and the contribution they make to public education. The interaction between children, parents and education support professionals is vital to the continued success of public education.

Today, education support professionals do more than run off copies and correct papers; they also serve as positive role models for students. The Wareham School District paraprofessionals are a dedicated group of individuals committed to the success of our students!

Parents and community members, I invite you to visit your child’s school and learn for yourself how education support professionals serve as essential partners in one education workforce serving the whole student. A simple “thank you” or card presented to these hardworking professionals would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I’m proud to work alongside these professionals working to make a difference in the lives of children.


Deanna Semple

Vice President, Wareham Education Association