Sick from a Tick? It could be Babesiosis.

Jul 25, 2011

Story Location:
275 Sandwich Street
Plymouth, MA 02360
United States

By now, we’ve all heard about Lyme disease and know to watch for the tiny deer ticks that spread it during warm months. But did you know that the same tick transmits another infection that is spreading fast-- and can even be fatal?

Babesiosis is a malaria-like illness caused when a parasite is transferred into the bloodstream from a tick bite. Most cases appear in the Northeast and upper Midwest, with 73 confirmed cases in Massachusetts last year, including seven in Plymouth County.[1]

Babesiosis can also be spread through blood transfusion and is the most frequently reported infection transmitted through transfusion in the United States.[2] While many people with the infection show no sign, others experience flu-like symptoms that last anywhere from a few days to several months. For those with compromised immune systems, Babesiosis can even mean death.

Jordan Hospital Rheumatologist Dr. Philip Molloy shares some information on how to avoid Babesiosis and what to do if you think you might have been exposed.

Q:  How do I know if I have Babesiosis?
If you feel like you have the flu—fever, sweats, chills, fatigue, aches-- when it is not flu season, you should consider tick-borne infections. Ask your doctor to perform a blood test for Babesia and Lyme disease—the same tick can carry both infections at once.

You should be alert if you’ve found a tick on your body, but keep in mind that most ticks do not carry the parasite and to transmit it they must be attached for 24-36 hours. A tick bite does not automatically mean illness. When there is an infection, it can take a couple weeks for symptoms to appear.

Q:  What is the current treatment for Babesiosis?
Babesiosis can be treated with medication, but it doesn’t work as well for people with serious health complications. For infants, the elderly, people who’ve had their spleens removed, and those with compromised immune systems, Babesiosis can be a severe, life-threatening disease.

The good news is that children with the disease typically do very well, often recovering without treatment. Most cases without symptoms resolve without medication. A test to detect Babesia in the national blood supply is currently being investigated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Q:  How can I avoid Babesiosis?
Avoid tick-infested areas during warm months and take precautions to keep them off your skin. Walk on cleared trails and wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and socks to cover skin and make ticks more visible. These ticks are as small as poppy seeds, but they’re like little tanks—they’re tough. They’ll attach and stay on, even if you go swimming.  Be smart in the summer—avoid exposure, and if you find a tick and feel sick, call your doctor.

Spotted a tick and you’re feeling sick? Don’t let ticks make you sick. To learn more about avoiding ticks and removing them, visit

[1], 7/6/11

[2], 7/6/11