GATRA proposes Wareham route changes

Sep 29, 2021

Changes to the GATRA bus routes in Wareham have been proposed, and although no changes will go into effect until approximately January 2022, the organization has already started gathering input about the potential routes. 

During a Sept. 28 public meeting, Jennifer Chaves of the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District represented GATRA and provided an overview of the proposed route changes.

“The purpose of these changes was to move the hub to downtown, so it’ll be at the Wareham Village Station,” she said, before clarifying that Wareham Village Station, is the train station on Main Street behind the Wareham Fire Department.

In total, Chavez explained that Wareham would go from having three routes to having two. 

“The goal is to have it more simplified,” she said.

Service to some areas would be cut, primarily due to low ridership, Chavez said. 

Service to Shangri La in East Wareham would be cut, as would service within the portion of Cranberry Highway between Main Avenue and Onset Avenue. 

A few areas that are shaded on the route map would be deemed no-stop zones, due to the fact that there are no safe places for buses to stop within that area. 

Chavez explained that GATRA was collecting comments on the proposed changes and would likely make adjustments to the proposed routes before having another public meeting in mid-October. She said it was unlikely changes would take place before January 2022.

To provide comment without attending a meeting, call GATRA at 800-483-2500, text GATRA at 774-406-4911 or email