Zoning Board schedules Woodland Cove site visit
The Wareham Zoning Board of Appeals scheduled a site visit for the Woodland Cove housing development and discussed the project’s compliance during its Wednesday night meeting.
The Woodland Cove development is led by Dakota Partners and comprises 150 new apartments on Red Brook Road. The company secured $9 million in funding from MassHousing in December.
The development, located on an eight-acre site, is set to be constructed in three phases. The first two phases will include 63 units each. The third will include the remaining 24 units, along with a community building that will include a fitness center, storage space and other shared amenities.
On Wednesday, board members discussed checking in on the project, which is under construction, to ensure it’s in compliance with its special permit requirements.
Director of Planning and Community Development Ken Buckland listed a few items the applicant should supply to the board, like a landscaping plan, construction mitigation plan and other documents.
The attorney for the developer, Peter Freeman, said there would be no problem in working with Buckland to ensure the project is in compliance.
“I have no problem with a fair process,” Freeman said. “Nothing has been omitted intentionally.”
Freeman said he would work with Buckman to resolve compliance questions before the next zoning board meeting in two weeks time.
In the meantime, the board scheduled a site visit for the development at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 19.