A portrait of longevity: Five generations pose for photo

Oct 22, 2024

For the second time in her life, a Wareham resident posed for a family photo which spanned five generations.

Carolyn Tintle, 83, first had five living generations in her family in 2000, when the family took a photo with her mother, then 94, and Tintle’s daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter.

Now, Tintle sits atop the family tree followed by her daughter Barbara Finch, 61, her granddaughter, Amanda Finch, 42, her great-granddaughter Ciarra Finch, 25, and her great-great granddaughter Berkley Jean Kelly, 6 months.

Barbara said her mother had the idea for the photo following a cancer diagnosis.

“My mother is pretty sick right now,” Barbara said. “But she’s so glad we got this picture.”

Tintle retired 30 years ago and since then has been “pretty active in the community,” Barbara said. She is a member of the Knit Wits, a knitting group which makes blankets for veterans. The other four generations live in New Hampshire.

“Five generations, it's kind of unusual,” Barbara said with a laugh.