Elementary principal says summer literacy program must reach more students

Mar 7, 2025

Wareham Elementary School Principal Beth Chandler proposed expanding the BOOST program which offers summer literacy courses for first through fourth graders at the March 6 School Committee meeting.

Chandler told the committee that while the program currently services 60 students, it should be servicing around 240.

She explained that this year 100 elementary school students are “in the red” by testing standards, meaning they are well below the reading proficiency level for their grade. A further 125 are not meeting standards while around 175 students are verging on proficiency. Wareham Elementary School has 912 students.

The elementary school has always had a similar number of students who struggle to meet benchmarks, Chandler said. Factors such as academic disabilities, English as a second language, and attention difficulties contribute to this.

Chandler said she has seen student literacy improve as a result of the BOOST program.

“It has a smaller group setting, it's a more relaxed atmosphere with a different instructor, it's a different voice,” She said.

Currently the BOOST program has four teachers, each with 15 students in full day classes for five-weeks.

BOOST runs congruently with the CARE program which provides student enrichment opportunities such as field trips and art classes.

Chandler proposed doubling the number of BOOST classes taught by the four teachers by transitioning to a.m. and p.m. half-day classes.

The change would allow the students more time to engage in CARE activities and allow BOOST to service 120 students as opposed to 60.

“Its my due diligence as school principal to find each and every way to improve those literacy scores,” Chandler said.

While her proposal would increase the number of students in the program, it does not reach her goal of 240 BOOST students.

To do that Chandler said the district would need to hire four additional teachers, which, according to Superintendent Matt D’Andrea, would cost approximately $50,000.

As the April 28 Spring Town Meeting approaches and final budget decisions near, the Wareham School District likely does not have the financial flexibility to hire the additional teachers.

The school committee listened to Chandler’s proposal but did not vote on Thursday night.

“This is clearly a priority in the district,” said School Committee member Joyce Bacchiocchi

Anyone interested in the BOOST program can contact Chandler via email at bchandler@wareham.k12.ma.us.