Bayview Park construction underway

Sep 26, 2024

Just outside of the Onset Bay Center, construction on Bayview Park has begun with the main goal of increasing the accessibility of the park.

Town Administrator Derek Sullivan explained the work currently being done is to remove and replace the sidewalks and walkways as well as regrading the land. Regrading land is the process of moving dirt to reshape an area.

The new paths would comply with the parameters set by the Americans with Disabilities Act for improved accessibility in the park, which state walking paths cannot have more than a 5% slope.

Construction began earlier this month and Sullivan estimates the project will take around nine months to complete. However, he explained potential winter shutdowns could impact the estimated time of completion.

Sullivan said he hopes the project is completed before Memorial day 2025 to minimize any potential impact the construction would have to next year’s summer season.

The project began as a plan to make accessibility and aesthetic improvements to the park by adding a number of new features. Some examples include widening and increasing the accessibility of sidewalks and walkways and adding features such as a ramp leading to the gazebo.

Municipal Maintenance would also install more lighting and move benches to spots with scenic waterfront views, prune trees and plant new trees and shrubs.