Elks award funds to Wareham non-profit

Oct 11, 2022

The Wareham-New Bedford Elks recently awarded the Wareham Area Committee for the Homeless (WACH), a 501c3 nonprofit organization Turning Point, a check for $5,000.00 for rental assistance and home fuel assistance for neighbors in need. 

Turning point serves homeless and near homeless people in the communities of Wareham, Carver, Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Middleboro and Buzzards Bay.

The donation check was presented by Chaplain Richard Duffy, Sr and Bill Teed, Past Exalted Ruler and Esteemed Leading Knight of the Wareham-New Bedford Elks #73 at Turning Point’s office on 3 Viking Drive, Wareham.  

“As Lodge officer on behalf of our members,” said Teed, “I’d like to present this check for heating oil and rental assistance for individuals and families facing financial crisis and impending homelessness as rents and the cost of heating oil continue to rise.”

When asked if the money raised was from a specific event, Duffy, who has been a member of the lodge for 46 years, explained “it was from our Progressive Bingo Jackpot. The Wareham-New Bedford Elks #73 has been supporting Turning Point for over a decade, as well as a number of other nonprofits in the South Coast.”

“This contribution is extremely timely”, said Turning Point’s Executive Director Shirley Santos, “The need for Turning Point and Baby Point services is growing in the South Coast area. The Elks have always been a great supporter of Turning Point, and support from local businesses, churches, and community partners are a critical component of our success.” 

Last year, Turning Point had impacted over 1,300 individuals and families through multiple programs. Businesses, individuals, or other organizations who would like to donate may do so through the website at www.turningpointwareham.org or mail a check, payable to WACH, to Turning Point, 3 Viking Drive, Wareham, MA 02571.