Help decide what a new Main Street will look like

May 2, 2023

After Town Meeting’s vote to approve taller, denser mixed-used development on Main Street, the Planning Board will create a series of rules and regulations about what new buildings on Main Street should look like, and how they should contribute to the town’s quality of life.

Residents will be able to share their opinions and suggestions about the design guidelines at a known during a public hearing in Room 320 of the Multi-Service Center, 48 Marion Road, on Monday, May 8 at 6 p.m.

The Planning Board wants new developments on Main Street to prioritize public benefits, such as scenic views and waterfront access, and pedestrian amenities, such as sidewalks, walkways and benches. 

The Planning Board will also consider the aesthetic of the buildings. Some Wareham residents, notably Historical Society President Angela Dunham, want new buildings on Main Street to have a traditional “old Cape Cod” look. 

“It could take a heavy hand on the design,” said Director of Planning and Community Development Ken Buckland, or allow the designers to do their best work... I think traditional architecture will be considered.”