Open burning season begins
The Massachusetts open burning season begins Monday, Jan. 15 and will run through May 1.
Residents of the Wareham Fire District will need to purchase a $10 burning permit from the Wareham Fire Department, at 273 Main Street, and call 508-295-2325 between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the days they plan to burn.
Residents of the Onset Fire District can apply for and pick up permits at the district's headquarters, 8 Sand Pond Road, for a $15 fee.
Burning is allowed for: brush, cane, driftwood and forestry debris other than from commercial or industrial land clearing operations; agricultural materials; trees and brush resulting from agricultural land clearing; and fungus infected elm wood, if no other acceptable means of disposal is available.
Burning is prohibited for: materials from commercial or industrial land clearing operations; grass, hay, leaves, stumps and tires; construction material and debris; and household trash.