Read up on the candidates ahead of Tuesday’s election
Wareham Week has profiled each of the candidates in contested races up for votes at the May 3, 2022 town election. For a general round-up of the candidates, click here.
Four candidates are running for two three-year seats on the Select Board:
Two candidates are running for a one-year seat on the Select Board:
And two candidates are running for a three-year term as Town Clerk:
Some voters may remember voting for a charter change last year that converted the position to an appointed one. Those changes must be approved by the state legislature and signed by the Governor before they go into effect — and the law is currently awaiting approval by the house.
Therefore, whoever is elected on May 3 will serve out a three year term. Then, the position would become appointed, so the Select Board could choose to extend that clerk’s contract or could look for someone new for the role.
The candidates discussed their ideas for the town at a candidate night. Click here for that coverage.