Rod and gun club scholarship funds students’ environmental endeavors

MIDDLEBORO – The Wankinquoah Rod and Gun Club Scholarship Committee is helping to build the next generation of “responsible and ethical sportspersons” by awarding $6,000 in scholarships to local high school seniors this year.
The committee gave a scholarship to Malachi Samuels, a senior at Wareham High School and Georgia Webber, a senior at Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School. Scholarships range from $200 to $1,000 per recipient.
According to the Wankinquoah Rod and Gun Club, applicants were required to have an interest in environmental studies or another related field.
One of the club’s missions is to foster a love for the outdoors and to “teach the next generation the skills necessary to become responsible and ethical sportspersons.” According to the club, its annual scholarship is a major way that it achieves this mission.