Swifts Beach association paints playground with help from the town

Aug 3, 2011

A Swifts Beach playground got a much-needed makeover thanks to the efforts of the Swifts Beach Improvement Association and the town's Municipal Maintenance department.


On Saturday, July 30, a half-dozen volunteers painted the Circle Drive playground, which was in shabby condition due to vandalism.


"The playground has been deteriorating for a while," said Swifts Beach Improvement Association member Kate Furler, who noted the importance of maintaining the equipment for the neighborhood children.

The association received help from the Municipal Maintenance department, offered up bright blue paint and other supplies so community members could cover up offensive graffiti.


"The blue paint is really exciting looking," Furler said with a laugh. "It was really nice of [the department] to donate the supplies."

The Swifts Beach Improvement Association is open to residents from Marion Road to the Swifts Beach. The group currently has 125 members. It hosts numerous social events during the summer, offers volunteer opportunities, and contains a subcommittee that works to protect the beach.

Furler said the playground makeover isn't over yet. The association's members are looking into replacing the swings on the playground.