A Turning Point for those in need

Jul 29, 2014

Some of those in need in Wareham will soon have a little less to worry about.

Thanks to Eastern Bank's $10,000 donation to Turning Point, a subsidiary of Wareham Area Committee for the Homeless, some Wareham residents who need housing assistance will receive it.

"I think that it's important to help grow the community," said Eastern Bank Branch Manager Rose Berry, who presented Turning Point representatives with the check on Tuesday. "We've been involved with Turning Point for a few years now and we've seen the good work they do."

Turning Point is a Wareham-based day resource center for the homeless and near homeless. In addition to their housing support programs, Turning Point also provides utility assistance, food and clothing assistance, phone use, temporary mailing address services, employment information, and referrals to treatment centers and emergency shelters.

"They give people a hand up, not a hand out," Berry said, "and that fits with the philosophy of Eastern Bank."

"This money is earmarked for housing programs," said Turning Point Wareham Program Director Lee MacDonald.

"We get the ability to give a hand up to a lot of people who are dealing with housing issues," said Turning Point Grant Writer Patricia Reynolds.

She estimated it would help 300 to 400 people.

Turning Point pledges in its mission statement to "help those who help themselves."

MacDonald noted that Turning Point primarily assists the working poor; victims of domestic violence; the disabled; people in bad housing situations; those who are dealing with illiteracy, inadequate job skills, or substance abuse problems; and families in crisis. MacDonald estimates that Turning Point serves at least 1,500 people each year.

The organization also runs Baby Point, a program designed to help families and single parents care for their infants, and Health Point, a bi-monthly health check-up service.

According to MacDonald and Reynolds, one of Turning Point's key differences from other charities is that all money from donations goes directly into programs, with none of it being spent on office costs. All donations benefit those Turning Point serves, including this most recent $10,000 from Eastern Bank. MacDonald estimates this money could assist up to three or four hundred people and families.

"We do anything. We help anybody," said MacDonald. "Particularly those who are working and struggling. We help with a broad spectrum of services."