Energy Exodus travels through Wareham

Aug 30, 2013

The sidewalks of Main Street saw a bit more traffic than normal on Friday, August 30, as the ongoing Energy Exodus march traveled right through the center of Wareham.

By its end, the march, which began on Wednesday and ends on Monday, will have taken participants from the Brayton Point Power Plant in Fall River to Cape Wind in Hyannis.

"Energy Exodus is trying to represent the move away from fossil fuels and towards wind power," says Varshini Prakash of the Better Future Project, who was at the march on Friday.

The project, which began almost two years ago, seeks to motivate Massachusetts politicians to push for strong environmental policies. The flyers that marchers hand out along their route promise that with enough hard work "Massachusetts can reduce carbon emissions and lead the way forward by shutting down its 3 coal power plants... all fossil fuel infrastructure, and putting a price on carbon pollution."

Roughly 50 people have been marching full time with Energy Exodus, with many more doing limited stints along the way. Prakash expects considerable turnout on the last day, which will culminate in a large rally in support of Cape Wind.

"What's important to note is that (Cape Wind) will be the first offshore wind farm in the U.S., while Europe already has over 50. So we think this is a very worthy cause," says Prakash.

Fellow marcher and Massachusetts native Simon Metcalf offered a simpler sentiment.

"Well, I know that Massachusetts is the best state in the Union, but I also know that New Jersey is considering an offshore wind farm as well. So we really have to beat them to it."

"There's also that," says Prakash with a smile.

Energy Exodus will end on Monday in Hyannis. More information is available on their website at and from the Better Future Project at