Weiner and Peanut Mobiles make rare appearance in Wareham

May 2, 2016

It's not every day that the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile and the Planter's Mr. Peanut Nutmobile pull up next to each other, but when they do, it's an occasion to celebrate.

Drivers Ilana "Links" Ruben and "Jumbo Dog" Jason Hoffman of the Weiner Mobile, and Alejandra Galindo (Roasted Alemond) and Matt Marzzacco (Matt-adamia) of the Peanut Mobile don't see each other often when they're traveling on the road.

"We are the hotdoggers and we travel the hotdog highways of America," said Marzzacco.

"We are the crazy nuts who drive the nutmobile," said Galindo. "We can't help but shell [the puns] out."

After graduating college, the four were chosen from a large pool of applicants to drive their respective vehicles across the country. In addition to greeting people, they regularly update social media content and market for their brands.

They travel state to state and are in a new city every week on average. From every day grocery store visits to fairs and festivals, the graduates cover all the bases.

With the end of a full year's contract coming up in five weeks, the recent graduates enjoyed some time spent together in the parking lot of Wal-Mart in West Wareham.

Shoppers stopped to get photos, weiner whistles, stickers and peanut samples.

"When you make just one person's day, it's all worth it," said Ruben.

In celebration of Mr. Peanut's 100th anniversary, all are encouraged to enter for a chance to win an appearance by Mr. Peanut at their next birthday party. To enter, visit mrpeanut100.com.