Opinion: Going crazy on Gibbs Avenue
Sep 21, 2021
To the Editor:
I am one of many people in the Gibbs Ave area (including upper High St.) who since at least the beginning of May to now, the third week of September, have had to listen day and night to the slam-bang of a Sewer manhole cover as countless cars hit the loose cover. Many have called, some multiple times, to the Sewer Department to beg them to fix it. Many were told that a piece they need to right the situation had to be mailed away for and still have not received — that was stated at the beginning of August.
Now that we are all going MAD from this noise, we wonder: If a Selectman lived here, would our summer have been peaceful?? Inquiring minds want to know.
Lynne Fischer, Yelena Beaupre, Dave Coggeshall