Raising money on the run
Event Date:
Lace up a pair of running shoes and hit the trails for the annual Cinco de Mayo 5k run hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Bourne and Wareham.
The race will take place Sunday, May 4 and participants will walk or run through the trails on the A.D. Makepeace headquarters located at 150 Tihonet Road.
Registration for the event begins at 8 a.m. the day of the race and the race begins at 9 a.m.
All proceeds will be used to benefit community programs in Bourne and Wareham.
The race fee for adults is $25, $20 for anyone age 11 to 18 and $15 for kids 10 and under.
Before the race begins, participants can help themselves to coffee and donuts and a variety of cranberry drinks will be available upon completing the race.
For more information contact William Jenkins at wtjenkins@comcast.net or 617-899-9916.