Bouquets replace beer mugs at Fearing Tavern
History and horticulture collided on Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11, when the Wareham Historical Society and Wareham Garden Club hosted a flower show at the Fearing Tavern Museum.
Bouquets of flowers grown by Garden Club members graced the museum, which was home to the Fearing family for over 200 years. Its oldest portions were built in 1690.
The bouquets were created with flowers cultivated by the Garden Club.
“It’s a nice venue,” said Historical Society and Garden Club member Donna Greenwood, who led a tour of the museum in colonial dress.
Of course Greenwood thinks it’s a nice venue — it was her childhood home. Her grandparents once owned the house, and she spent her earliest years there.
Greenwood said that the flower show was an opportunity to show off the club’s creative side.
Garden Club member Joyce Holster was excited to collaborate with the Historical Society.
“Any time I get to make a design and bring it somewhere else,” she said, “I’m gung ho for it.”
Holster created a large arrangement for the center of the museum’s parlor, consisting of irises and peonies.
“I got some more peonies I cut this morning,” she said. “I figure the irises will probably croak by tomorrow, so it’ll need something else”
“I am very grateful,” said Historical Society President Angela Dunham. “[The Garden Club] did a beautiful job.”
“It smells nice too,” added Historical Society member Cathy Phinney.
The Fearing Tavern, located at 11 Elm St. will be open for tours on Saturdays and Sundays in June, July and August from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. the tavern is also open by appointment by calling 508-295-8578.