Eric DeCoster, 59
Eric DeCoster was a Christmas present, born December 25th, 1961, in Boston to the highly talented Ray (deceased) and the clever Marlene. The family soon moved to Onset. As a toddler, he cut his teeth on the water assisting his parents at shell fishing on their small boat. This serious fishing started soon enough as he learned to navigate and fish the cove, and later the bay, and finally the sea. Always was he proud to be one of the Roy’s Boys. His comrade in arms, Michael Johnson of Onset would become his beloved brother in spirit. Those two were always getting into trouble be it in the bowling alley, hitting the greasy spoons and/or multiple flea markets. Meanwhile, the family grew to completion with the addition of his lovely sister, Carolyn, in 1965.
He was a consummate logician, man of letters with a renaissance man’s reach, a very formidable opponent in chess. He had an entrepreneurial streak. Our Eric obtained his degree in Philosophy, an MBA and JD. He delighted in teaching a Bar exam preparation course for aspiring lawyers. He approached his day with a witty and salty sense of humor.
His accomplishments were many and unusually diverse. He received awards as a bowler extraordinaire. His interest in music was great as well and he was an accomplished guitar player who loved to jam. He wrote continuously and this culminated in three children’s books of limericks. He was also a Job Corps counselor, salesman and taught himself to craft jewelry and flea market specialist. He served on the Mayflower at Plimouth Plantation. He was also a short order cook at Sandy’s.
One of his greatest and unexpected enjoyments was as a gentleman farmer in upstate New York specializing in organic garlic, gigantic pumpkins and organic soybeans bound for Japan. He returned to Onset to live in 2016, the decision being encouraged by his inheriting a house there from his beloved Uncle Bobby. The pull of the sea was strong.
The house took on some distinctive touches in his hands making it a piece of art. It was carefully restored and improved after a recent fire at some cost rather than his moving away from his roots due to that setback. This project was complicated by the requirements of chemotherapy to fend off an aggressive cancer.
Unfortunately, he passed from our presence on March 2nd. He seemed to be recovering from a bout with covid after specialized treatment in the hospital. He knew he had weakened resistance to the virus and its likely aftermath, and was serious about staying quarantined, but he was not a recluse. The continuing covid related issues proved to be too much for him to withstand.
He was the best of travel companions, tolerant of wrong turns and curious about where the road not intentionally taken might lead. He would fill the spaces between landmarks and ‘bad’ restaurants with historically based commentary on everything from the American Revolution to WWI pilots and planes. Though he never married, he was beloved by many. His continuing kindness, generosity and caring, especially for those he fiercely loved, was noteworthy. He has left us to go exploring and will be missed.