Fowl play: Turkey refuses to get off of police cruiser
A local turkey wanted a ride-along with the Wareham Police Department, but Police Chief Water Correia and the bird had a fowling out.
According to a Friday, May 5 Facebook post, Correia noticed the bird sitting on a police car near the Decas School building on Thursday, May 4. Correia rushed to photograph the perp.
Correia attempted to get the turkey off the roof, “but he seemed unwilling,” the post explained. “The officer explained to the turkey that we are short staffed, but we are unable to accept applications from birds.
After a bit of buttering up, the turkey came off of the roof. No one was hurt and no arrests were made. One wonders how handcuffs would fit on feathers.
“He was upset as he left,” the post read, “but no fowl language was used.”
For animal control issues, the Wareham Department of Natural Resources can be reached at: 508-291-3100, ext. 3180.
Wattle the Wareham Police Department have to deal with next?