Golf League roundup

Jul 28, 2010

The golf league at the Little Harbor Country Club held two tournaments recently.

In the Ladies Memorial Tournament, the team of Helen Simmons, Anne Joerres, Judith Coughlin, and Joan Indio took first place.  Peg Studley, Arlene Rachins, Joan Collins, and Rosemary Meekin came in second, while there was a tie for third place.  The foursome of Nancy Chase, Kay Conroy, Joy Clarkson, and Chris Cabral tied a team of three players: Judy Niemi, Marilyn Burton, and Andrea Matoes. Nancy MacDuffee, Jean Connaughton, Nancy Moyer, Rita Scalzi came in fifth.

"Closest to the Pins" were awarded to Marilyn Burton on hole 1, Carol Foote on hole 2, Ginny Anderson for hole 3 on the front nine.  On the back nine, Nancy Rose won the prize for hole 11, and Kay Conroy took the honor for hold 17.

In the Men's Best Ball tournament, Kevin Donahue II, Steve Saltz, and Phil Ciaccio took first place. Two teams tied for second: Mark Marchant, Rick Grassi, and Bob Rosendahl tied a team with John Quinlan, Norm Lewis, and Chuck Ford.