Legal Advertisements - Week of April 6, 2023
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Plymouth Probate and Family Court
52 Obery St. Suite 1130
Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-6204
Docket No. PL13P1158EA
In the matter of: George A Cowen
Date of Death: 06/14/1963
To all interested persons:
A Petition has been filed by
Andrew Hewitt of Rochester, MA
Charles L Rowley of West Wareham, MA
Douglas R Beaton of East Sandwich, MA
requesting allowance of the Forty-Sixth Annual account(s) as Trustee and any other relief as may be requested in the Petition.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 05/01/2023.
This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you.
Witness: Hon. Edward G. Boyle,
First Justice of this Court
Date: March 30, 2023
Matthew J. McDonough, Register of Probate
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 7:15 P.M.
Wareham Multi-Service Center
(Remote Participation Only)
The Select Board of the Town of Wareham, as the Cable Television License Issuing Authority, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 7:15 P.M. at the Wareham Multi-Service Center (remote participation only), pursuant to 207 C.M.R 3.05 and Section 626(h) of the Cable Act (47 USC Section 546(h)), regarding the renewal of the cable television license of Verizon New England Inc.
The public is invited to pose questions and/or provide comments remotely.
Any applications, reports, statements and/or amendments, including a copy of a proposed Renewal License as of said date, will be available for review and/or download at Town’s website ( and will also be available from reproduction at a reasonable fee from the Office of the Select Board.
To join meeting:
Passcode: 962288
One tap mobile: +19292056099 (New York)
+13017158592 (Washington DC)
Webinar ID: 832 5892 5070
Passcode: 962288
Wareham Week March 30, 2023 & April 6, 2023
The Town of Wareham is seeking sealed proposals for the lease of a portion of a building currently known as the Hammond School Building. The leasable portion of the building contains approximately 11,046 square feet more or less, located within the Village of Onset at 13 Highland Avenue. Proposals shall be received in the office of the Wareham Town Administrator, Memorial Town Hall, 54 Marion Road, Wareham, MA 02571, until 10:00a.m., May 4, 2023 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Phone calls, telegrams, postmarks, etc. will not be considered. Proposals will only be accepted from non-profit organizations having Wareham as their principal location and having child care as their primary focus. Additionally, use of the property shall be restricted to said non-profit organizations solely for use in educational purposes. Proposals not submitted on original forms shall be deemed non-responsive. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “RFP-for the Lease of a Portion of the Hammond School Building-10:00 a.m., May 4, 2023.” The Town of Wareham assumes no liability for proposals mistakenly opened due to improperly labeled envelopes and will return same to proposer without notice.
The Town of Wareham reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, and to make awards in a manner deemed in the best interest of the Town as provided by M.G.L.
The Town of Wareham is an equal opportunity employer. The Town of Wareham encourages proposals from Women and Minority Business Enterprises.
Notice of this RFP is published in the Central Register, Commbuys, Wareham Week and posted on the Town’s website,
54 Marion Road
Wareham, MA 02571
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on April 26, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 320 of the Wareham Multi Service Center, 48 Marion Road, Wareham, MA 02571 to consider Petition # 12-23 for a Special Permit from the requirements of Article 6, Section 624 under the Wareham Zoning By-Laws, to SHM Onset Bay, LLC. (F/K/A BOBM, Inc.) of 14785 Preston Road, Suite 975, Dallas, TX 75254 proposing to reconstruct non-conforming racks at 18 Green St, Wareham, MA (Assessors Map 3, Lot 1014) in the MRN zoning district.
Nazih Elkallassi, Chairman
First Notice: April 6, 2023
Second Notice: April 13, 2023
54 Marion Road
Wareham, MA 02571
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on April 26, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 320 of the Wareham Multi Service Center, 48 Marion Road, Wareham, MA 02571 to consider Petition # 15-23 for an Appeal of Building Inspector Notice Of Violation from the requirements of MGL Chapter 40A § 15 under the Wareham Zoning By-Laws, to Lynelle Butterfield and Peace for All Animals c/o Craig Hartwell, Esq., of 200 Main Street, Wareham, MA for the property located at, 12 Great Neck Road, Wareham, MA (Assessors Map 17, Lot 1008) in the R30 zoning district.
Nazih Elkallassi, Chairman
First Notice: April 6, 2023
Second Notice: April 13, 2023
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Plymouth Probate and Family Court
52 Obery St. Suite 1130
Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-6204
Docket No. PL23P0540EA
Estate of: Norma R. Ratton
Date of Death: 12/31/2022
To all interested persons:
A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative has been filed by Ronald R. Ratton of Dayton OH requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition.
The Petitioner requests that Ronald R. Ratton of Dayton OH be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you, or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 04/25/2023.
This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you.
A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration.
Witness: Hon. Edward G. Boyle,
First Justice of this Court
Date: March 28, 2023
Matthew J. McDonough, Register of Probate
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Plymouth Division
Docket No. PL23P0488EA
Estate of: Karen L. Zopatti
Also Known As: Karen Lee Zopatti
Date of Death: January 14, 2023
To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of
Petitioner Peter J Cayan of West Hyannisport, MA
a Will has been admitted to informal probate.
Peter J Cayan of West Hyannisport, MA
Janice M Cayan of West Hyannisport, MA
has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond.
The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner.
54 Marion Road
Wareham, MA 02571
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on April 26, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 320 of the Wareham Multi Service Center, 48 Marion Road, Wareham, MA 02571 to consider Petition # 13-23 for a Variance from the requirements of Article 6, Section 625 under the Wareham Zoning By-Laws, to Michael Cloutier C/O Timothy Sicard of 468 Fisher Rd, Dartmouth, MA 02747 proposing to build a freestanding garage/workshop 24’ x 30’ with a height of 23’ at 241 Blackmore Pond Rd, W. Wareham, MA (Assessors Map 68, Lot 1009-A) in the R-60 zoning district.
Nazih Elkallassi, Chairman
First Notice: April 6, 2023
Second Notice: April 13, 2023
54 Marion Road
Wareham, MA 02571
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on April 26, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 320 of the Wareham Multi Service Center, 48 Marion Road, Wareham, MA 02571 to consider Petition # 14-23 for a Variance from the requirements of Article 6, Section 625 under the Wareham Zoning By-Laws, to Andrew Topoulos of 12 Highland Road, Wareham, MA 02571 proposing to construct a detached one car garage within the side set-back at 12 Highland Road, MA (Assessors Map 61, Lot 1133) in the WV-2 zoning district.
Nazih Elkallassi, Chairman
First Notice: April 6, 2023
Second Notice: April 13, 2023
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Plymouth Division
Docket No. PL23P0270EA
Estate of: Richard P. Ziemba
Also Known As: Rich Ziemba,
Richard Ziemba, Sr.
Date of Death: 11/01/2022
To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of
Petitioner Toni L. Dering of Pocasset, MA
a Will has been admitted to informal probate.
Toni L. Dering of Pocasset, MA
has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond.
The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner.
By virtue of and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Kenneth F. Clark and Roswitha E. Gonsalves to Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a Subsidiary of IndyMac Bank. F.S.B., dated August 15, 2005 and registered at Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 591673 and noted on Certificate of Title No. C1-30 (the “Mortgage”) of which mortgage Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust is the present holder by Assignment from Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”), a Delaware Corporation, its successors or assigns, as nominee for Financial Freedom Acquisition LLC dated September 28, 2009 and registered as Document No. 655954 and noted on Certificate of Title No. C1-30, and Assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Financial Freedom Acquisition LLC, its successors and assigns to Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust, its successors and assigns dated February 24, 2021 and registered as Document No. 815705 and noted on Certificate of Title No. C1-30, for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the mortgaged premises located at 3 Fairway Drive, Unit No. F, of the Massasoit Condominium, Wareham, MA 02571 will be sold at a Public Auction at 1:00 PM on April 26, 2023, at the mortgaged premises, more particularly described below, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to wit:
The land Wareham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, with the buildings thereon, being Condominium Unit No. F in the condominium known as MASSASOIT CONDOMINIUM (the condominium) shown as Lot No. 68 on Land Court Plan No. 60781 and also as Lot No. 68A on Land Court no. 6078J-1, and containing 30,000 square feet of land, more or less, according to said Plan, created by the Master Deed (the Master Deed) dated May 23, 1974 and registered with said Plymouth Land Registration Office ad Document #158800, which was amended by “Amendment to Massasoit Condominium Master Deed” dated August 28, 1974 and registered with said Registration Office as Document No. 161419, together with a 14.2% undivided interest in the common areas and facilities of the condominium as set forth in the Master Deed and amendment and together with all rights appurtenant to said Unit as referred to or set forth in the Master Deed and Amendment thereto, which rights are to be exercised in common with the owners of record of the other Units, referred to in the Master Deed and Amendment thereto, and in common with mortgage, insofar as from time to time are applicable.
For mortgagor’s title see deed registered at Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court as Document Number 554180 and Noted on Certificate of Title Number C1-30.
The premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and other municipal assessments and liens, and subject to prior liens or other enforceable encumbrances of record entitled to precedence over this mortgage, and subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, reservations and conditions of record and subject to all tenancies and/or rights of parties in possession.
Terms of the Sale: Cashier’s or certified check in the sum of $5,000.00 as a deposit must be shown at the time and place of the sale in order to qualify as a bidder (the mortgage holder and its designee(s) are exempt from this requirement); high bidder to sign written Memorandum of Sale upon acceptance of bid; balance of purchase price payable by certified check in thirty (30) days from the date of the sale at the offices of mortgagee’s attorney, Korde & Associates, P.C., 900 Chelmsford Street, Suite 3102, Lowell, MA or such other time as may be designated by mortgagee. The description for the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication.
Other terms to be announced at the sale.
Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,
N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust
Korde & Associates, P.C.
900 Chelmsford Street
Suite 3102
Lowell, MA 01851
(978) 256-1500
Gonsalves, Roswitha E.and Kenneth F. Clark, 21-038964
By virtue of and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Deborah Anne Gibson and Peter Andrew Gibson to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, acting solely as a nominee for Residential Mortgage Services, Inc., dated July 24, 2017 and recorded in Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 48700, Page 183 (the “Mortgage”), as affected by a Loan Modification Agreement dated April 23, 2020, and recorded at said Registry of Deeds in Book 52873, Page 40, and further affected by a Loan Modification Agreement dated April 1, 2022, and recorded at said Registry of Deeds in Book 56570, Page 140 of which mortgage Nationstar Mortgage LLC Successor By Merger To Pacific Union Financial, LLC is the present holder by Assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Residential Mortgage Services, Inc., its successors and assigns to Pacific Union Financial, LLC dated March 22, 2018 and recorded at said Registry of Deeds in Book 49682, Page 70, for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the mortgaged premises located at 6 Hideaway Lane, East Wareham (Wareham), MA 02538 will be sold at a Public Auction at 10:00 AM on May 3, 2023, at the mortgaged premises, more particularly described below, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to wit:
The land in Wareham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts as hereinafter described:
Being shown as Lot 213 on plan of land entitled “Plan of Shangri-Law, Eagle Hill, Inc., Owners, Wareham, Mass., Scale: 1” = 100’, Jan. 1962, Tibbetts Engineering, Marion, Mass.”, which plan is numbered 177 of 1962, and duly recorded in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 12, Page 500.
For Title see deed from David A. Hurder, Trustee of Hurder Nominee Trust of 2007 u/d/t dated February 12, 2007.
For mortgagor’s title see deed recorded with the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 48700, Page 181 and in Book 34120, page 126.
The premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and other municipal assessments and liens, and subject to prior liens or other enforceable encumbrances of record entitled to precedence over this mortgage, and subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, reservations and conditions of record and subject to all tenancies and/or rights of parties in possession.
Terms of the Sale: Cashier’s or certified check in the sum of $5,000.00 as a deposit must be shown at the time and place of the sale in order to qualify as a bidder (the mortgage holder and its designee(s) are exempt from this requirement); high bidder to sign written Memorandum of Sale upon acceptance of bid; balance of purchase price payable by certified check in thirty (30) days from the date of the sale at the offices of mortgagee’s attorney, Korde & Associates, P.C., 900 Chelmsford Street, Suite 3102, Lowell, MA or such other time as may be designated by mortgagee. The description for the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication.
Other terms to be announced at the sale.
Nationstar Mortgage LLC Successor By Merger To Pacific Union Financial, LLC
Korde & Associates, P.C.
900 Chelmsford Street
Suite 3102
Lowell, MA 01851
(978) 256-1500
Gibson, Deborah Anne and Peter Andrew Gibson, 22-041514
By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Nicole Rivera and Damien A Perry to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Magnus Financial Corporation, its successors and assigns, dated June 20, 2005 and recorded with the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds at Book 30750, Page 266, subsequently assigned to Nationstar Mortgage LLC by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as Nominee for First Magnus Financial Corporation, an Arizona Corporation, its successors and/or assigns by assignment recorded in said Plymouth County Registry of Deeds at Book 47724, Page 338, subsequently assigned to Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. by Nationstar Mortgage LLC by assignment recorded in said Plymouth County Registry of Deeds at Book 50588, Page 234, subsequently assigned to U.S. Bank Trust National Association, not in its individual capacity, but solely as Trustee of the Truman 2021 SC9 Title Trust by Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. by assignment recorded in said Plymouth County Registry of Deeds at Book 56860, Page 282 for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 AM on April 13, 2023, at 21 Nicholas Drive, Wareham, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit:
The land with the buildings thereon in Wareham, Plymouth County, MA, shown as LOT WS15 on a plan of land entitled “Comprehensive Permit Plan Cromesett Landing Title Sheet” off Camardo Drive, Wareham, MA, prepared for Wanco Management, Inc., date 03-24-03, which plan is recorded as Plan 601 of 2004 in Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 48, Page 449. Lot WS15 is also shown on “Plan of Land in Wareham, MA Cromesett Landing, Wareham, MA, Prepared for: Wanco Management, Inc., dated March 7, 2005” and recorded in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds as plan 259 of 2005, in Book 49, Page 682.
Subject to the following encumbrances of record:
Monitoring Services Agreement recorded in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 29701, Page 133.
Comprehensive Permit recorded in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 28779, Page 184, as
modified in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 29584, Page 1.
Regulatory Agreement recorded in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 29701, Page 143.
Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions recorded in Plymouth Registry of Deeds,
Book 28837, Page 34, as amended in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 30148, Page 272.
Wetlands Order of Conditions recorded in Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book 26848, Page 142.
Being a portion of the premises conveyed to Wanco Management, Inc., by Cromesett Realty Trust by deed dated November 25, 2002, and recorded at the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 23545, Page 161.
The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, encroachments, building and zoning laws, liens, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession, and attorney’s fees and costs.
A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE.
Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale.
U.S. Bank Trust National Association, not in its individual capacity, but solely as Trustee of the Truman 2021 SC9 Title Trust
Present Holder of said Mortgage,
By Its Attorneys,
PO Box 540540
Waltham, MA 02454
Phone: (781) 790-7800
Docket Number: 22 SM 001527
Meredith J. Corsano Individually and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Anne C. Gajoli; Angelina M. Gajoli Individually and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Anne C. Gajoli
and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. c. 50 §3901 (et seq):
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in Buzzards Bay (Wareham), numbered 73 Martin Street, given by Anne C. Gajoli to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated July 31, 2008, and recorded in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 36330, Page 285, as modified by a certain modification agreement dated August 15, 2017, and recorded with said Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 48950, Page 195, has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status.
If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before May 1, 2023, or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the foreclosure on the ground of noncompliance with the Act.
Witness, Gordon H. Piper, Chief Justice of this Court on March 14, 2023.
Deborah J. Patterson
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Plymouth Probate and Family Court
52 Obery St. Suite 1130
Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-6204
Docket No. PL22P2397EA
Estate of: Joanne L Perry
Also known as: Joanne L Santos
Date of Death: 12/27/2021
To all interested persons:
A Petition for Sale of Real Estate has been filed by Ricardo Perry of West Wareham MA requesting that the court authorize the Personal Representative to sell the decedent’s real estate at private sale.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you, or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 04/19/2023.
This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you.
Witness: Hon. Edward G. Boyle,
First Justice of this Court
Date: March 20, 2023
Matthew J. McDonough, Register of Probate
Docket No. 23 SM 001216
Kathryn G. Rounsville
and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. C. 50 §3901 (et seq):
Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust
claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in Wareham, numbered 56 Warr Avenue, given by Kathryn G. Rounsville to Sovereign Bank, FSB, dated August 8, 2007, and recorded in Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 34949, Page 177, and now held by the Plaintiff by assignment, has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status.
If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before 5/8/2023 or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the foreclosure on the ground of noncompliance with the Act.
Chief Justice of this Court on 3/22/2023.
Attest: Deborah J. Patterson, Recorder
Notice of License Application Pursuant to M. G. L. Chapter 91
Waterways License Application Number 23-WW01-0030-APP
Matthew N. & Cindy C. Rhodes
Public notice is hereby given of the Waterways application by Matthew N. & Cindy C. Rhodes to install and maintain a ramp and float at 72A Burgess Point Road in the municipality of Wareham, in and over the waters of Onset Bay. The proposed project has been determined to be water-dependent.
The Department will consider all written comments on this Waterways application received within thirty (30) days subsequent to the “Notification Date”. Failure of any municipality, aggrieved person or group of ten citizens or more, with at least five of the ten residents residing in the municipality(s) in which the license or permitted activity is located, to submit written comments to the Waterways Regulation Program by the Public Comments Deadline will result in the waiver of any right to an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 310 CMR 9.13(4)(c).
Project plans and documents for the Waterways application are on file for public viewing electronically at: (enter the project address in the Search Page as the Location Address). If you need assistance, please contact or if you do not have access to email, please leave a voicemail at (508)946-2785 and you will be contacted with information on alternative options.
Written comments must be addressed to: Andrew L. Jones, Environmental Analyst, DEP Waterways Regulation Program, 20 Riverside Drive, Lakeville, MA 02347.
Docket Number: 23SM001118
Heirs, devisees, and legal representatives of the Estate of Katherine Borges a/k/a Katherine H. Borges, Kristin L. Ray, Individually and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Katherine Borges a/k/a Katherine H. Borges, Michael Hillier, and Paul Coggeshall,
and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. c. 50 §3901 (et seq)
TD Bank, N.A.
claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in West Wareham, numbered 20 Shaw Street, given by Dennis J. Borges and Katherine Borges to TD Bank N.A., dated July 31, 2012, registered in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 41874, Page 331, has filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendants’ Servicemembers status.
If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before May 1, 2023 or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the foreclosure on the ground of noncompliance with the Act.
Witness, Gordon H. Piper,
Chief Justice of this Court on March 16, 2023.
Attest:/s/ Deborah J. Patterson, Recorder