Library main branch scheduled to close for renovations
The main branch of the Wareham Free Library will be temporarily closed for renovations starting Sunday, Oct. 1.
In March, a water main break flooded the library's meeting room and the hallway around the circulation area. The renovation will include fixing the water damage as well as recarpetting.
The last day of the main branch's operation will be Saturday, Sept. 30.
The Spinney Memorial Branch, in 259 Onset Avenue, Onset, will open the following Monday, Oct. 2 with limited services.
The goal for the Spinney branch is to keep everything as close as possible to what the library has at its main branch, said Library Director Patrick Marshall. But the Spinney branch is a smaller building, and it won't have certain services available. For example, there will be fewer computers available for public use.
The library is urging patrons to conduct all business at the Spinney branch, including dropping off books. The vehicles used by the repair crew will take up enough space that there won't be room in the main branch parking lot, said Marshall.
People can use the Spinney branch to place holds on materials from other libraries and can pick up holds from that branch. The library won't have access to the collection at its main branch, and it is extending the due date for Wareham items until November.
Events in the first few weeks of October will take place at the Spinney branch. Currently scheduled events include a weekly baby sign language class at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, a 6:30 p.m. family story time at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, and a fall toddler story hour at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays.
Marshall said he doesn't have a projection for when the repairs will conclude and the library can move back into its main branch.
However, he said, "The minute we are able to come back to the main building, we'll come back.”
The Spinney branch will close for the season at that time because the library doesn't have the staff to keep both locations open, according to Marshall.