Remembrance in bloom: Paying tribute to veterans across town
At the veterans monument at Center Park, a newly placed wreath with red, white and blue signifies another year full of honoring, remembering and celebrating those who have served in the military.
“Wareham has a history of recognizing and honoring all who have served in uniform in defense of our country,” said Bob Powilatis, commander of the Wareham Post of the American Legion #220.
On Friday, Dec. 5, several members of the community came together to mark the beginning of “Wreaths Across Wareham,” a subset of the national program, “Wreaths Across America,” which is a day established by the nonprofit of the same name to “remember fallen U.S. veterans, honor those who serve and teach your children the value of freedom.”
This year’s wreath was dedicated to Bradford Holmes, a Wareham veteran who died this past summer.
Holmes was a German prisoner of war in Stalag IV-B after having been captured three days into the Battle of the Bulge.
After returning to Wareham, Holmes became an active member of the community. According to his obituary, he owned and operated Holmes Shell Service Station in Onset. He also served as a plow operator for the town, an assistant harbormaster and a herring agent before working at Gone Bananas Army/Navy Surplus.
The Wreaths Across Wareham effort is headed by the Wareham Post of the American Legion #220, the Wareham-New Bedford Lodge of the Elks #73 and the Wareham Garden Club.
Each year, the Garden Club provides the handmade wreaths, with red, white and blue, stars and stripes, ribbons and poppies.
Powilatis thanked all of those involved in helping “keep their memories alive.”