Select Board considers meeting recap reports

Aug 7, 2024

Wareham residents who want to keep up with the work of the Select Board may not need to watch the often-times extensive meetings, but may be able to catch up with a two-minute summary. Select Board member Sarah

Corbitt presented the idea along with Wareham Media Executive Director Jim Gilbert.

The proposed recap, as previewed by a demonstration recording made by Corbitt, would be a brief summary of the key discussions from the Select Board meetings, presented in the form of a short Facebook Story or Instagram Reel.

In the demonstration, Corbitt summarized a discussion about solar projects from a recent Select Board meeting, while also highlighting key decisions made at that meeting.

Select Board members approved of the concept of the idea, saying that it was good to have greater transparency.

“I just want to say, ‘Hell yeah!’ Nice job,” said Select Board member Jared Chadwick.

However, they said for the summary to be effective, it would need to be an objective summary of the meeting, without any kind of agenda. Corbitt said that she always did just that in her career as a journalist.