Sprinkler malfunction causes Red Robin evacuation
In the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 19, the Red Robin in Wareham Crossing was evacuated due to a malfunction in its fire sprinkler system.
The Wareham Fire Department responded to the scene after a sprinkler broke and spilled water in the foyer of the building, said Wareham Fire Chief John Kelly.
As firefighters went through the restaurant, they noticed that the building's natural gas levels were elevated due to minor gas leaks, said Kelly. The department called in the gas company to check it out.
As of 3:45 p.m. the Wareham Fire Department was waiting for the gas company to arrive on scene. Kelly said the department was monitoring the building's natural gas levels to ensure the department's personnel remained safe.
Members of the Fire Department assisted in the salvage efforts for the restaurant, sweeping water out of the building.