Vets, newbies train in track clinic

Aug 13, 2013

The winter track season doesn't start for months, but some of the Lady Vikings are using the last days of summer to fine-tune their skills.

A track clinic held at Old Rochester Regional High School on Tuesday gave a small group from the team the opportunity to learn from college athletes and coaches, as well as coaches from ORR.

Sophomore Maddie St. Julien is coming back after a spring season during which she was on the 4x4 relay team that set the Wareham High School record in that event.

"I would like to beat my record and become a leader," for the middle school girls who join the team, she said.

Sophomore Paige Fehskens, who tied the school record in the mile last year and is strong in the 800m, is working on both besting herself in the mile, and running the 2-mile.

Noting that the 800m, and to some extent the mile, is "like a long sprint," the 2-mile takes a different skill set.

"The pacing is definitely different," said Fehskens.

Senior Emily Cummings was also on the record-setting relay team, and hopes to hone her skills this year, too.

"I want to greatly improve in the high jump and hurdles," she said.

Wareham High Coach Chris Gardner says that he's looking forward to a team he believes will have great depth, and works well together.

"We lost a few seniors," he said, "but I think we're going to have a strong team."