Viking Powderpuffs take home the glory
“Blue and white, alright alright alright,” cheered the Vikings Powderpuff flag football team before they took to the field.
The Vikings won the intense game with a score of 6-0 against the Old Rochester Bulldogs on Wednesday, Nov. 23.
The traditional Powderpuff flag football game is played before Thanksgiving each year and flips the sport’s gender roles — girls play the game while the boys cheer from the sidelines.
This tradition continued at Wednesday’s game, where a group of high school boys dressed in tutus over their sweatpants acted as cheerleaders.
“I’m here for the cheerleaders,” said Vikings-supporter Isabella Rodriguez who couldn’t play due to a sinus infection.
The cheerleaders did not disappoint with their choreographed half-time show that included cart-wheels and flips.
Game organizer and senior class advisor Samantha Terasconi said that the Vikings Powderpuff team has been training for the game for a month — and their hard work paid off.
“We have a solid group of athletes,” said coach Marrissa Smith. “[The challenge] was more so getting some football knowledge into their heads,” she said.
The Powderpuffs showed off their defense skills, with Julia McDuffy, Brianna Phillips and Makyla Young played key tackles throughout the game.
“It feels amazing,” Phillips said. “I was a star player.”
In the fourth quarter, with a score of 0-0, quarterback Marina Cadena scored a touchdown at the seventh line during the fourth quarter, securing a Viking victory.
“It was great to see that time was up on the clock and we were up by 6,” Smith said.
The team and cheerleaders rushed to the sideline to cheer Cadena on.
“It felt nice to play a game made for boys,” said Kierra Pierre.