Walk raises funds and awareness for the homeless

May 22, 2024

Walkers took to the streets for a five-mile course in support of the homeless on Sunday, May 19, during a walk organized by the Wareham Area Clergy Association. 

“Everything went just great,” said Chuck McCullough, President of the Wareham Area Committee for the Homeless. He added the event had “great turnout.”

While the Clergy Association organized the event, the funds it raised will support the mission of the Committee, a non-profit that helps support the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless under the name Turning Point. 

McCullough said the walk brings attention to Turning Point’s mission, in addition to assisting with its finances. 

The outlines of that mission are driven by the needs of Turning Point’s clients. Recently, a lot of people have turned to the organization for help with utility costs, said McCullough. 

Turning Point “has to get the message out” that it’s hard right now for making people to pay their utilities, he added.