New patrol boat arrives

After six months of building and a trip from Florida to Wareham, the town's new Boston Whaler patrol boat rolled down Main Street on the back of a flatbed truck Thursday afternoon and will hit the shores within a few days.
"We're thrilled to finally be getting the boat," said Harbormaster Michael Parola. "We're like a little kid at Christmastime."
The 8,200 pound, 27-foot custom-made Boston Whaler comes with firefighting capabilities, which the town did not previously have on any of its vessels. A pump moves water up from underneath the boat and out a stanchion on the front to extinguish fires.
The boat also has thermal imaging technology, which will assist in searches for people in the water during periods of low visibility.
"[The Boston Whaler] will make us a lot more efficient," Parola said.
The $225,000 boat came at no cost to taxpayers. It was purchased with a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant totaling $168,750, with the remaining funds coming from revenue brought in from harbor service and mooring permits.
The whaler replaces a 23-year-old, 4,000 pound Privateer, which is showing its age. The old boat's hull becomes saturated during use. It would likely need to be replaced after this season.
The difference between the two boats is "like night and day," Parola said.
The sides of the whaler will be lettered and police and fire radios will be installed during the next few days. It will then be launched in Onset.