Plans call for expanding West Wareham industrial park

Public hearing continued to Sept. 11
Aug 29, 2017

A Wareham developer who manages “close to a million square feet of space” in town is seeking to expand the town’s industrial park with the addition of two, new buildings.

Dennis McCarthy is seeking to extend Patterson Brook Road, located in the West Wareham industrial park off Cranberry Highway, by 250 feet. The extension would accommodate a proposed 43,200 square foot building and a 50,400 square foot building. The larger building is designed to house six tenants and the smaller four tenants.

According to McCarthy, the buildings will mostly be warehouse space for light manufacturing and machine shops with some office space.

“We manage close to a million square feet of space,” he told Planning Board members on Monday night, adding he owns 12 commercial buildings in town. “The majority of users are small contractors.”

On Monday, the Planning Board reviewed plans during a public hearing. Board approval is required on the project before it can move forward.

During the review, member Emmanuel Daskalakis asked if the buildings could be rotated 90 degrees. He said that would improve the layout and hide two loading docks from drivers passing by.

Bob Rogers of GAF Engineering, the project manager, said that may not be possible as the habitat of the eastern box turtle, a protected species, limits the project’s footprint to an 8.5 acre parcel on the 20-acre lot. However, Rogers said he would consider the move.

“We’ll take to heart the issue with the layout and try to resolve that,” said Rogers. “It’s tough with the constraints of the area.”

Board members voted to continue the public hearing to review Rogers’ findings at their next meeting, scheduled for Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Multi-Service Center.