Town goes dot-gov with cybersecurity grant
If you’re looking for information on the Town of Wareham website — from safety alerts to bill payments — right now, you need to type in the address, “”
That will be changing in the coming months, as the town moves over to a “.gov” domain.
Wareham received a $63,723 grant from the state Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to make the change, and to make other cybersecurity upgrades.
According to Town Administrator Derek Sullivan, the town will use $10,000 to update its cybersecurity response plan. The rest will be used to migrate the town website, its email and its Microsoft Office accounts to a “.gov” domain.
The new website will have better security and more features, said Sullivan. However, it will take some time for the change to come into effect: “It will take several months to migrate as we currently have 1,110 webpages with 45,000 documents on our current website.”