JROTC student receives Legion of Valor Award
On Monday, Dec. 4, Wareham High School Senior Robert Sylvia became the third in the school’s JROTC program to receive the Legion of Valor Award with Bronze Cross.
Sylvia is ranked cadet lieutenant colonel and serves as the JROTC cadet battalion commander.
The award was presented to him by Principal Scott Palladino and JROTC Senior Army Instructor Matt Stanton.
Since its founding in 2005, this national prestigious award has gone to JROTC students who have served their school and community in an exemplary manner. Only one in every 4,000 cadets receive this honor.
The Legion of Valor organization is made up of veterans who have distinguished themselves by earning either the Medal of Honor or their respective service’s highest award for gallantry.
This award is open to all high school JROTC and college ROTC Cadets. The Legion of Valor - Bronze Cross is awarded to JROTC cadets who demonstrate outstanding performance, dependability, exceptional character, adherence to military discipline and leadership ability.
Students must also have an outstanding record of accomplishment academically and within their extracurriculars.