New survey seeks insights on Route 6 from Fairhaven to Wareham
A new survey is seeking the public’s vision for a 13-mile stretch of Route 6.
The survey is the first of a two phase process that Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) officials are using to address safety concerns on the heavily travelled highway. Route 6 from Fairhaven to High Street in Wareham is the section SRPEDD is examining.
“Folks didn’t feel safe driving, walking and biking along the corridor,” said Jed Cornock of SRPEDD. “There were a lot of concerns, but no vision to take action and make improvements.”
Cornock spoke Thursday during a presentation in Wareham Town Hall’s auditorium. There, he reviewed the results of a traffic study the planning agency conducted during the past year.
Using the study and comments from residents, officials will identify problem areas and make a plan for improving the road. The study found that between 10,000 to 15,000 people use that stretch of Route 6 daily, crash rates are below state averages and average speeds range from 45 to 55 mph. Cornock noted that sidewalk conditions vary as some are safe and well-maintained while others pose a hazard. Bicycling along the road is a major concern, however.
“Biking on Route 6 is dangerous,” he said.
Residents may review the data, which is available online at SRPEDD’s website.
Now, Cornock said SRPEDD is collecting information and comments from residents who use the road. That information will be compiled and used to develop a vision plan. Questions regarding travel concerns, frequency of use and safety are included in the survey. Once the data is compiled phase two of the project will begin where officials start focusing on the future.
“We want to figure out how we can identify solutions for everybody,” said Cornock, adding that dedicated bike lanes, a wider road and lower speed limits may be recommendations they make to the state.
To fill out a survey, visit