Tobey Hospital improves MRI access with Imaging Department

Sep 2, 2023

Renovations to Tobey Hospital and the arrival of its new Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) machine will benefit patient care, according to the hospital.

With more proximal access to the MRI, outpatients, inpatients, and those receiving emergency care will see an improvement in their hospital experience.

“Renovating part of the imaging department to bring our MRI machine within the hospital and closer to patient care areas will allow us to more efficiently deliver higher quality care right here in Wareham,” said Robert Ronan, medical staff president and radiology medical director at Tobey Hospital. “The new machine also provides faster MRI scans saving time and increasing patient comfort.”

The new space is now open for patients. 

“I want to thank everyone on the project team and in the imaging department who worked together to bring this new space to life,” said Debra A. Desmarais, executive director of Imaging Services at Southcoast Health. 

Desmarais added, “Our current and future patients who receive MRI services here at Tobey Hospital will now be surrounded by multiple avenues of care in a space more easily accessible and within our hospital walls.”

An MRI is a painless imaging test that creates detailed pictures of any organ, bone or tissue inside the body. This type of imaging involves special magnets, radio waves and a computer, but not X-rays. 

MRIs are helpful in diagnosing and assessing the extent of injuries and disease. They often provide more detailed information than ordinary X-rays, CT scans or ultrasounds.

For more information about advanced radiology image services at Southcoast Health, visit Southcoast Radiology | Southcoast Health.