New informational kiosk at conservation site

Oct 15, 2024

A new informational kiosk has been erected at Mark's Cove Vista, a trail designed to be made accessible to everyone.

Members of the Wareham Land Trust met with volunteers to put the finishing touches on the kiosk Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the trailhead for the vista located at 120 Cromesett Road. According to Terracorp Service Member and Land Stewardship Coordinator Julia Ledo, installing and constructing the kiosk was a community effort.

"We usually have a couple of superstar volunteers that come in and we divide and conquer," said Ledo. "Some folks were trimming, some folks were digging holes for the posts and the rest of us were installing the display board."

On the display board will be a wide variety of information regarding the conservation site and the Land Trust.

"It's an information point for folks who are going to that property to know how to behave on it and how to best enjoy it," said Ledo. "The kiosk provides information about the conservation area, any kind of funding that went into acquiring the property and it will often have our upcoming events."

The kiosk is situated at the trailhead for Mark's Cove Vista, a property the land trust purchased last year.

Mark's Cove Vista has over 100 acres of conservation land that features a short, wheelchair trail that leads to a waterfront.

Ledo added the Land Trust is looking to make the trail compliant under the American Disabilities Act.

Ledo explained there are a number of informational kiosks at different land trust properties and building one can be a challenge.

"Every kiosk is a different beast," said Ledo. "The ground that you're digging in is different and thankfully in Wareham we have a lot of sandy soil so most of the time it's easy but you'll always find a root or a rock in your way."

Ledo added one challenge they faced with this kiosk was the lack of a table saw, which made construction slightly more challenging.

"There's a couple of odd angles or different levels that we have to account for to make sure everything looks straight and presentable," said Ledo.